Blog Easy

7 tips to create your first client portfolio

Learn how to structure your first portfolio clients and increase the chances of making your own business successful

By Admin  |   19 Mar 2021
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Applications for companies: Check out 5 tips to create your own

The Brazilian spends about 5 hours a day on smartphone applications. If your company doesn't have its own app yet, you're wasting time! Know where to start

By Admin  |   17 Mar 2021
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Cyber ​​attacks via phishing increased by 100% in 2020

Learn how to protect yourself from actions that aim to attract users in order to steal personal and bank details

By Admin  |   15 Mar 2021
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Do you know about the World Day Against Cyber Censorship?

Celebrated on March 12, World Day Against Cyber Censorship seeks to rally everyone for an unrestricted internet

By Admin  |   12 Mar 2021
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The evolution of marketing and main trends for 2021

Update and rethink your company's strategies by knowing more about marketing, the main trends for this year

By Admin  |   10 Mar 2021
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Learn about 5 women who changed tech history

Read about the life of women that marked the history of technology with their achievements

By Admin  |   08 Mar 2021
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Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship: how to join both in order to grow?

Entrepreneurship and technological innovation try to solve real problems in companies. See examples.

By Admin  |   05 Mar 2021
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Single Page Application: why should you use it when developing solutions?

Ensuring fast page loading is one of the first ways to keep readers on your site. See how to improve your performance with the SPA

By Admin  |   03 Mar 2021
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What to evaluate in software companies before hiring?

Analyzing the software development company you intend to hire ensures that the partnership is successful. Find out which points are crucial!

By Admin  |   01 Mar 2021
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