Low-code and no-code: will programming be a basic skill in the future?

Understand how programming through low-code and no-code platforms could become a basic skill for workers in a very soon future
For some time now, we've been commenting here on the blog about the benefits that low-code and no-code can offer to companies, the new perspectives they bring to programming, and also their great power to democratize software development.
As we saw earlier, with these tools, anyone can develop an application without much effort and contribute to solving everyday problems, even without knowing how to write code.
This scenario leads us to some questions still unanswered: what will be the effects of this popularization of programming in the labor market? Can the ability to develop software through low-code and no-code become a basic skill for future professionals? That's what we'll reflect on in today's post. Check out:
Low-code and no-code movement
The low-code and no-code movement has, since the 1970s, facilitated the development of digital solutions for companies and shows no sign of slowing down: according to data from Forrester, this market is expected to reach more than US$ 21.2 billion in 2022.
A possible explanation for these numbers, is the ease and independence that these technologies offer to companies, since it is no longer necessary to wait for the IT department to be available to solve a demand or develop a new application. With low-code and no-code in place, any employee in a given industry can implement a new digital solution, following pre-approved requirements.
Thus, we can see that the ability to know how to use low/no-code platforms is already required in the job market and tends to increase: according to Gartner data, in the next 5 years, around 65% of all applications will be built by through these tools.
With this projection, it is noteworthy that the demand for professionals who have the skill of programming through low/no-code will increase very soon. Will it become an essential skill, just like the office suite once was?
Let's understand better:
The democratization of innovations
To better understand how the ability to develop software through low-code and no-code platforms can become a fundamental requirement for jobs in the future, we need to step back a bit and recall how revolutionary innovations were popularized and incorporated into our days.
One of the main examples we can use is writing: when invented by man, it enabled the passage of knowledge between generations, the recording of history and the dissemination of different cultures. However, this process was extremely slow and undemocratic, since books were produced manually and controlled by those who had political, economic or institutional powers.
This scenario became different when the press entered the scene and enabled the mass production and distribution of texts. Thus, the sources of information left the hands of those who held power and spread until reaching just a click of our hands. The main consequence of this in the job market was that writing and reading became basic skills for any position.
We could mention the democratization of cinema, music, and several other areas to make a parallel with the popularization of software development, but this content would be too long and we believe that we have already had a sense of where we want to go, right?
The democratization of software development
The point we wanted to make with the example is that the development of technological solutions can become as popular a skill as writing. For, just as the press facilitated the democratization of the production and dissemination of new texts, low-code and no-code platforms can facilitate and popularize the ability to program.
Thus, knowing how to develop software through low/no-code platforms can become a desired skill in any office, as well as writing and reading were already differentials and as the Microsoft office package is required today.
So, what did you think about the theory that knowing how to program is going to be an essential requirement for the professionals of the future? Follow us on social media and tell us!
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